Friday, October 25, 2013


As I mentioned in a previous post, Elders have an especially hard time during for themselves, especially during the winter months. People ask "why are they not getting help from the government?". "What about Tribal Council or their own fami...lies or people?" Im not going to "sugar coat" anything. The government could care less about their Native sons and daughters, the past proves that. If they cared then people would be more AWARE of the circumstances on the reservations. Money from Casinos or anything else is appropriated through Tribal Council and obviously Council has forgotten about their people as well!! Im fairly certain that Council has clothes for their children, running water, heat and food. I doubt they are living in homes that are simply "unimaginable" from the outside and even worse on the inside. Tribal Council has much to answer for and I wonder when the last time was that they went from house to house and took the time to see to the needs and conditions of THEIR OWN people? I have much more to say regarding Council but that's for another post. Elders have family but many do not and those who do cant take responsibility for caring for their own family so cant be expected to care for the Elders. Many are left to their own devices to simply survive. Addiction plagues Pine Ridge and sadly for many families, this takes priority over the needs of their own family and people. Many may not agree with how I am choosing to try to help families and elders because I suggest that money does not be sent directly to those who are being helped. Its important to me that any money offered is used directly for the intended purpose and not to be mis-handled. Im not saying that this is the case for every family in need but I don't have the time to pick and choose. So the route I have chosen to help is direct donations of items to families. Myself and my administrators see nothing, we simply are making people aware of the need and provide the contact information. For those wanting to help Elders with heat expenses, I am currently awaiting more names of those in need and will provide phone numbers and account numbers to those wishing to help with heat assistance. For example its similar to calling and adding minutes to a phone card.

I hope I have answered any questions as to the "why" and the "how". If you have any more questions you can pm us here or you can email me at Please feel free to visit my additional page Native Causes as well. There I focus all things regarding my people with a variety of information.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for visiting. I ask that if you cannot support then please SHARE this information and my Page. Awareness is the key. People cannot support if they are unaware of the need.
Thank you ~NC~

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