Thursday, September 4, 2014

RACISM – The Colorless Plague!

The word "racist" has for a long time been the single most effective fear-word in the leftist and neoconservative arsenal. For decades, they have successfully used it in the political arena to slander traditionalists, shut down debate, and leave opponents running for cover. In the social arena, they have caused even more damage by using it to brainwash impressionable children and young college students, and to teach people to hate their nation, their cultural traditions, and worst of all, themselves.


 What surprisingly remains almost totally undiscussed, even on the hard core traditionalist Right, is the word's origin. Did it come from a liberal sociologist? A 60's Marxist college professor? Perhaps a politician in the Democratic Party? No. It turns out that the word was invented by none other than one of the principal architects of the 74-year Soviet nightmare, the founder and first leader of the infamous Red Army, Leon Trotsky.


Websters – “Plague” – troublesome, fatal disease.

Causes: Media, Politics (Democrats mostly), Witnesses-biased and not reliable about 75% of the time, “Rednecks” of all colors and mostly Race hustlers/baiters- Al and Jessie, etc .

Normal Americans, who are in the majority, are not the problem. And we are the answer. We have to realize that we are the majority and act like it. We all must and should believe in ourselves and who we are. WE ARE NOT the sharptons and the jacksons.

What needs to be discussed is not what we know has been going on for too many years, but how to start combatting racism.


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