Monday, September 1, 2014

The EU And The Fourth Reich by Wm. Dorich

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” are the powerful words inscribed on the State of Liberty. When applied to Serbia by the EU those words tra...nslate to mean… give us your sovereign nation and allow those of us who bombed you into submission to determine your right to breathe free.

This is the EU that bombed your bridges, your hospitals, your nursing homes, your trains, your schools and even your cemeteries in order to erase centuries of your existence on this land…when that was not cruel enough the U.S. and NATO violated the Geneva Conventions by attacking civilian targets with cluster bombs and by poisoning your soil with uranium tipped weapons that ushered in an avalanche of birth defects and cancer deaths unseen in Serbia for a hundred years.

The same EU that poisoned the Danube River for a thousand miles through 7 counties dependent on that river for food.

“Yearning to Breathe Free?”… The EU promises nothing to Serbia other than a ‘carrot and a stick’ and empty promises. There are no frank discussions of what Serbia must 'surrender' to join this elite dictatorship. Demands that Serbia surrender are the same demands made by Austria and Germany that led to two World Wars.

What are the trade-offs Serbs will be expected to make? One fact is clear… the “Huddled Masses” of Serbia will never again find hope or freedom when that freedom will be determined by Brussels with the same insensitive brutality as the Ottoman Turks inflicted on the Serbs for 400 years.

The EU boasts of its vague opportunity of membership, but speaks softly about destroying Serbia’s sovereignty that fulfills Hitler’s EU dream of One Europe under the control of the Fourth Reich.

Where are these magnanimous EU members today in helping Serbia rebuild after 78 days of disproportionate and punishing bombing 15 years ago that did $80 billion in damage to Serbia? More bombs were dropped on Serbia in 78 days than were dropped on Yugoslavia during 4 years of WWII.

Not surprising that there is no EU type of “Marshal Plan” to rebuild Serbia and its destroyed institutions that will be paramount for a growing Serbian economy on which the EU will be financially dependent and demanding. Where are the billions of dollars to rebuild 62 downed bridges, 200 Serbian schools bombed by EU members? And where are the ecological teams to remove unexploded cluster bombs and to clean the contaminated soil that will take generations to repair?

The feckless members of the EU preach “European peace and unity.” Meanwhile, the combined total aid from all of the EU countries to Serbian flood victims is less than $800 million dollars as Vice President Joseph Biden tells Serbia’s Prime Minister that “No aid will be sent from the United States because Serbia accepted aid from Russia”…What kind of monsters are we in the United States with that kind of corrupt leadership? We did not treat our German and Japanese enemies with collective guilt or with such contempt—we rebuilt both nations after the war.

The EU exposes their disgusting level of duplicity toward Serbia. Why would any Serb in their right mind want to join such a contemptible club in which the membership tried three times in this century to liquidate Serbians through some of the most grotesque Genocide of the 20th century?

It is clear that the European Union employs the ‘moving goal post’ tactic, a strategy used by the United States for the past 25 years … each time a Serbian politician agreed to an American demand that goal post was moved again and again.

The Serbian membership in the EU will only be accomplished when Serbia has been totally destroyed in much the same way that Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Afghanistan—thanks to the billions of dollars secretly spent in those nations by the CIA and thugs like Victoria Nuland who admitted to giving $5 Billion dollars to unseat a duly elected president in the Ukraine and to openly support Nazi elements in Kiev.

The possibilities of Serbia joining the EU in the next decade are both slim and none… The Serbs need to look carefully at how the EU has treated Spain, Ireland and Greece and what really happens when a country relinquishes its sovereignty, freedom and its rights to a group of international corporatists eager to steal them blind, to sell off their mineral assets to goons and thugs to become victims of the 21st century version of corporate bondage resulting in lower wages and foreign debt that is difficult to repay.

The Serbians are “Tired” and after 5 wars on Balkan soil in the past 100 years they have come to realize that they have bent to dictates too many times…they have allowed other nations to determine how and with whom they will live. The EU promises Serbia more of the same.

The EU is currently dictating Serbian trade with Russia. What in God’s name will they demand once Serbia is embraced by these Nazi corporatists in which the EU will be the Lord and Master and the Serbs will once again be the “Niggers” of the Balkans enslaved for another 400 years?
Beware of the EU deception...

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