Saturday, December 28, 2013


Grievance #2.             The General and Complete Disarmament Law - Appalling legislation, written to totally disarm the people of the United States was passed years ago. It is chaptered as a federal law, unbeknown to the people.  It is kept active by funding and is titled as Public Law 87-297.  It can be fully seen by locating it on the Internet.  Every citizen will be disarmed, except for the world government troops who are assigned the duty “to keep order”.   P. L. 87-297 was signed into law by John Kennedy after the Congress passed it in September of 1961.  Its various amendments, including Public Law 101-216, are continually funded by Congress.  It has caused our military bases to be closed or realigned, beneficial to world troop use.  P. L. 87-297 also transfers the entire national armed forces of the United States on a permanent basis under the United Nations organization, and our nation will have no common defense.  All privately held firearms will be confiscated, and ordered to be handed over to the Surrender Agency.  This law will not allow any American citizen the right to own a gun.  There will be no right to recall these public officials, as all representatives will be appointed, chosen by the communist-thinking leaders of the world government system.  An approval from the people of their permission for the government to completely disarm them of all handguns is falsely being claimed by the federal government.  The fact is that it is a counterfeited document which the anti-gunners wrote and inserted in a book that the people had once approved.   (Refer to Page 340 Report)


Grievance #3.             Installation of the Homeland Security Department (originally called an Agency):  It breaks the guarantee in the Constitution of a republican form of government, and it has changed the U.S.A. from being a republic into a dictatorship, because the military and the civilian law enforcement systems have now been merged together under one agency head, something that cannot be done in a country that intends to remain a republic.  This merger constitutes the deliberate casting of the U.S.A. from a republic into a dictatorship.  The people do not realize the effect of this “department”.  


Grievance #4.        Dictatorship in Action  We have a president who has refused to prove that he is qualified to hold office by being natural born. His grandmother has announced that he was born in Kenya, Africa, and she was there in the delivery room when he was born.  After it was evident that he was elected, Barack Obama informed the nation that “ five days we will fundamentally change America.”  This warning meant that he intended from the onset to alter essentials of the system, which he did by advancing the Homeland Security Agency, appointing Czars, wanting a private army to surround him and forcing a socialistic National Health Medical System upon the people which controls the lives of the people from cradle-to-grave.  The medical system in the future will decide whether an individual has a right to continue living after a certain age or existing medical condition.  Changes he has made under the Homeland Security Department are such that Washington, D.C. now controls almost all law enforcement officials in the United States, all the way down to the beat officer in local communities, something the states should have objected to, but did not!  Under the full blown world government system all the police will be fully militarized.  Appointed officials, that are non-elected, will rule in the dictatorship, and will have more authority over the lives of the people than our elected officials ever had. Also, under regionalism, we may expect all state boundary lines to disappear. State governments will eventually lose their significance as world management develops.  Note: We are grateful that there is a growing number of County Sheriffs who understand State Sovereignty (Tenth Amendment) and do remember their oath of office.


Grievance #5.             Federal seizure of the Department of Education:  Christianity is gradually being outlawed in the public schools, and the right to raise our children in a free educational  atmosphere is being denied. Atheism will rule and deny our children the teachings of our nation’s founders and our Christian beliefs, which recognize that the world belongs to God.  There will eventually be a denial that our rights come from the divine Creator.  All children will be taught the message of globalism.   Our public libraries are being subjected to the replacement of books that once memorialized our sacred religious practices and values, and are substituted with those containing altered and debased views which favor global attitudes.


Grievance #6.             The complexity of Agenda 21:  The intent of this Agenda is to gradually eliminate our 50 state governments, and in their place, have ten international regions delivering world communist policies and leadership over the former U.S.A.  Individual freedom will be stripped away.  “Sustainable Development” integrates the United Nations economic, social, and environmental policies for “social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity”.  This includes universal health care, global education, and global population control, global land use with its restrictions against individuals owning land, all under one international authority.  It harmonizes U. S. Environment policy with United Nations’ socialistic directives while it “reinvents” our U.S. government!   The disarmed citizens of the United States will be monitored by a world army under the World-wide Military Command and Control Systems.   Note: This is what has happened to our tax money.


Grievance #7.             Open borders: There is a law suit brought on by the federal government against the State of Arizona as that state tried to make up for the lack of federal responsibility toward border security. Their governor opposes the flood of immigrants there. The increase of illegal immigrants, and the cost of adding 40 million more people for our taxes to provide the expenses and the costs they incur, has added to the near bankruptcy condition of our states and federal systems.  Leaving our national borders open also assists in the planning for the “North American Union” which did not succeed as yet.  It merges Canada, Mexico and the U.S.A. together in one “union” operated by appointed officials that cannot be recalled or voted out. One can envision the damage this will do to the Constitutions of these three nations.  Our borders were left open to illegal immigrants in order to make increases in the population of people who have not been trained in Constitutional principles.  They will eventually end up voting for socialists at the polls.  Many illegal immigrants continue to come here to sell drugs.  Open borders allow crime to increase so that more American citizens will be less concerned as to what is happening to our country but more concerned to that which is happening to their own property. 


Grievance #8.             Implementation of Adolph Hitler’s methods of operation: The following excerpt will give the people a more clear picture of how the U.S.A. reached this low ebb that is now causing them great shock and suffering.  A system analyst has reported: “After the collapse of the German Third Reich, not only did the United States pick up Adolph Hitler’s scientists, but the U. S. “planners” received a tremendous augmentation when in 1945 they rummaged over what was left of Hitler’s Third Reich.  The U.S. retrieved the inductive type of reasoning and logic that was used to operate that totalitarian government, and the “planners” seized upon the thoroughness of Hitler’s dictatorial management systems.  A lot of these elementary concepts were taken up by the U.S. Air Force and were amalgamated within the prerogative of their responsibilities which at that time resulted in the setting up of what we now call the Military Standards 499 Systems, defined as a systematic process (a methodology) of solving sequential problems.    The result is that 99% of the lower practitioners of these final systems, engineering techniques and methodologies – with their short and long range plannings, are completely unaware – are completely oblivious to the fact of where or why these concepts were developed.  Many of our government employee “planners” are deploying techniques about which they realize little or nothing of its source or intention.  They get the parameters and details of the tasks they have to perform only, but they are not given, nor do they understand, the total integrated picture. Whenever the whole thing is in place, the United States Constitutional government system will be overthrown and replaced by a total military government.  The people who worked in the systems will little understand how their part fit into the complete system; nor how they assisted in overthrowing their own government.” 

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