Friday, January 3, 2014


A BRIEF HISTORY: The proponents of a con-con have been at it for nearly fifty years now: In 1964 the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations funded and orchestrated – via the CSDI (Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions) – the drafting of a new constitution for America. This model constitution, drawing upon the efforts of more than 100 people, took ten years to write. The 40th draft was published in a book titled "The Emerging Constitution", by Rexford G. Tugwell (Harper & Row, 1974). The project produced the proposed "Constitution for the NewStates of America".
"In the event you would be inclined to dismiss the relevance of the proposed new constitution, bear in mind that it is the product of a tax-exempt think-tank which took ten years, $25,000,000.00 and the collaboration of over one-hundred like-minded individuals. . . It would be folly to believe this investment is intended to be merely an exercise in political theory. The frightening reality is, the planners are serious in their efforts to impose a new constitution upon the people of America as we enter the 21st Century."   — Col. Arch Roberts, Committee to Restore the Constitution
One year following publication of Tugwell's plan - 1975 - Nelson Rockefeller, then president of the U.S. Senate, engineered the introduction of HCR 28 calling for an unlimited Con-Con to be held in the Bicentennial year, 1976. With this time line, we can clearly see they meant business and certainly wasting no time to get it done.
"Visible collusion of the U.S. Congress with world government organizations created a backlash which doomed the grandiose Fourth of July Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. . . . Arrogance was the seed of its undoing." Col. Arch Roberts.
Abandoning plan one, the conspirators moved directly to the state legislatures and, operating behind a screen of 'conservative' organizations, began lobbying the states. Although ALEC's hired lawyer, John Armor, was the foremost lobbyist to state legislators in the decades-long effort to win the required number of state calls via the "balanced budget amendment" resolution, ALEC wasn't alone.
Some -not all - of the other players were the National Taxpayers' Union (NTU), Republican National Committee (RNC), Committee on the Constitutional System (CCS), former Secretary of the Treasury, C. Douglas Dillon, and former Counsel to the President, Lloyd N. Cutler. Today, in 2013, the Goldwater Institute is visibly working with ALEC, testifying to legislative committees and touting the same fabrications found in the ALEC Handbook. The NCSL (National Conference of State Legislators) is also in lockstep with ALEC.
[It has been said that the CCS wants to wait to call a Con-Con until the United States is in a 1929 type depression, because only then would the people accept the radical changes they intend to make. They were not kidding.]
By 1983, 32 of the 34 states needed had passed con-con resolutions. They were stopped in their tracks by an unsung hero from Chicago, Doug Kelly, who spent the rest of his life covering our backs.
Three states rescinded their call on his watch; the dragon slept until 1993 when 12 states simultaneously introduced calls, once again coming from ALEC, John Armor and majority Republican states. Successfully stopping that volley, we had barely caught our breath when the Conference of States (COS) hit in January '95, a back-door attempt at a Con-Con.
To make the point, here's an excerpt from a COS article:
"From Utah Governor Mike Leavitt's May '94 position paper on the planned Conference of States ... speaking about the first Conference of States held in 1787:
"CONGRESS TRIED TO LIMIT THE CONVENTION'S AUTHORITY by stating it would meet 'for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation'."
"As we all know, the delegates to the great Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Philadelphia did much more than that. They threw out the Articles of Confederation and drafted a new constitution".
"AS WE ALL KNOW".  Enough said. Leavitt also wrote that our Constitution is "... outdated and old fashioned... not suited for the fast-paced, high-tech, global-marketplace we are entering. There is a better way".
The model resolutions for the COS came from the National Council of State Legislators (NCSL), the organization that indoctrinates liberal (mostly democratic) legislators as ALEC does the conservative (republicans).  ALEC passed a resolution supporting the COS so Republicans joined the fray.
They do seem to be big on dates: The COS was slated to take place in "historical Philadelphia" October 22nd through 25th, 1995 – falling on the October 24th, Fifty-year Anniversary of the UN.  By the Grace of our Heavenly Father, that plan also failed.
Now, once again, the con-con resolutions being swiftly introduced in states as this is being written, are model legislation from ALEC, at a time when we are nearing a 1929 type depression, so the people will accept the radical changes they intend to make.
Founded in 1973, ALEC defines itself as a non-partisan membership organization of conservative state legislators, boasting 2,700 members. Its main founder, Paul Weyrich, was one of the most powerful conservative leaders of his era. Weyrich lamented the fact that we have no "shadow cabinets" like those in Europe who have parliamentary government.
The only way that will happen is if the process (34 states call for a convention) is successful.
It is possible that ALEC was formed for that purpose above all others. A July 14, 2011, L.A. Times article announced that government watchdog, Common Cause, would issue a challenge to ALEC's nonprofit status, on the grounds that ALEC "spends most of its resources lobbying, in violation of the rules governing nonprofit organizations. Yes. ALEC does lobby.
Its definition as an organization of state legislators only reveals half its function. It appears that is a mere cover for covert activities behind closed doors. Its major funding is not from membership fees, but large corporations and charitable funds, including the internationalist, one-worlder Bill Gates. Its 2007 budget was $7.8 million, with nearly $3.2m in assets; over 98% of its revenue comes from sources other than legislative dues, primarily from corporations who have ALEC membership, and corporate foundations.
Corporations sit on all nine ALEC task forces and vote with legislators to approve “model” bills. They have their own corporate governing board which meets jointly with the legislative board. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations. In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in our states.
Through ALEC, behind closed doors, corporations hand state legislators the changes to the law they desire that directly benefit their bottom line. They fund almost all of ALEC's operations. Participating legislators, overwhelmingly conservative Republicans, then bring those proposals home and introduce them in statehouses across the land, without disclosing that corporations crafted and voted on the bills.
ALEC boasts that it has over 1,000 of these bills introduced by legislative members every year, with one in every five of them enacted into law. ALEC describes itself as a “unique,” “unparalleled” and “unmatched” organization. It might be right. It is as if a state legislature had been reconstituted, and corporations had pushed the people out the door.
[Speaking of corporations, Nick Dranius, constitutional "expert" with the Goldwater Institute informed the Arizona house committee on March 21st, that "two retired business men" brought them this "genius plan". Thank Heaven, the legislators on that committee were informed and intelligent enough to vote it down. In discussing the opponents' fears of a run-away Article V Convention, Dranius stated, "the fact that it may be abused. . . isn't an argument against using it!" The truth just slipped out, again.]
We'll leave Alec now, with sources for further information to our readers. Conservatives may want to shun these sources since they're from left-wing sites. Before you rush to judgment, ask yourself, "Who else would expose ALEC?"  No conservative group, for certain. It's doubtful the reports are false, since the reporters could risk lawsuits by publishing lies. Truth is truth where ever it is found.

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