Monday, March 10, 2014

Operation American Spring”  COL. US Army, Retired  Tom Barnes

Having served my country in artillery and infantry units in VietNam, having lost 20 classmates in VN from my Class of 1968 at the US Military at West Point, and having seen my government 'use' our troops in multiple 'peacekeeping' actions since WWII, I am fed up with the direction our country is heading.....from wars which the politicians have no intention of winning to taxing those who produce in or to "...distribute the wealth..." to those who think they are 'entitled'.

I did not put in 10 years of active duty and another 14 years in the Alabama National Guard to see my country 'sold down the river' by socialist liberals who never served in the military nor ran a business.  'Community Organizing' as a qualification for President is the most damnable substitute for leadership and character that has ever been accepted by the American Voter in an election.  The majority of American voters, at least up to this point since WWII, are a spoiled, self-centered electorate who may have let our country drift past the point of no return.


I am the father of 4 grown children and grandfather of 3 that - unless things change immediately and dramatically - will never have the opportunities that generations before paid for with their very lives.

This is the underlying, core motivation for my becoming involved with Operation American Spring.

The crowning blow is having been laughed at and lied to by a President who won't even let us see his college transcripts, his birth certificate or his travel documents (passport, visa, etc.)


The bigger, most obvious lies started with the gun-running scam to Mexico, then Benghazi, then along came the IRS selective persecution of conservative groups seeing 501c3 status, then the biggest lie of all - Obamacare and the " can keep your doctor and your insurance if you want to....".

Having surrounded himself with other Saul Alinsky types and appointed judges who share his world view, approved by a majority of the Senate, I came to the conclusion after his re-election that the good people of this country, to include those who are severely misguided, may have waited too late, short of an armed rebellion of the type that our Founding Fathers initiated, to take control back from a government that is totally out of control.

This is not a 'political party' problem,....rather, it goes directly to the hearts of the people.  If 'we the people' have truly lost our 'heart' for freedom and liberty, then it is too late short of civil unrest by the remaining patriots in this country.  However, I do not believe that to be the case.

As such, I am 110% on board with Operation American Spring.


I consider myself to be a Constitutional Patriot above any political party affiliation.  I happen to vote 'Republican' most of the time, but let the Republican Establishment be aware that millions of Patriots like me will vote our convictions before any political party.................meaning that the 'Tea Party' movement is the best thing that has happened to this country in my life and the Republican Establishment had best recognize and embrace it.


Elected leadership of both political parties need to be put squarely on notice and understand that they need to support our Constitution above any Political Party affiliation.





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