Monday, March 9, 2015

The Obama Nightmare:
When Hilary Clinton totally crashes and burns after her coverups and scandals are revealed and federal indictiments are brought against her, what do you think will happen to the Democratic party and its bid for an electable candidate for President? It will be dead in the water until (get your trumpet ready to blare) Barack Obama will throw himself back into the ring and "rescue" his party and the nation from the evil Republicans who will undermine moderni...ty and take the world back a thousand years by undoing the wonderful miracles of the Obama years. Yup, the liar who has destroyed opponents in the past will rise again, and walking on the carcass of Hilary will show himself to be all that the Democrats hoped for - an unassailable monster payola specialist ready to continue the stream of goodies to the party, marxist and muslim faithful.
We had better get our ducks in a row, pick a leader who really represents the Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian charismatic, candidate who loves America and has the guts to stand up for the Republic of days gone by. We are circling the drain from the indebtedness alone without even considering the massive influx of marxist muslim sympathizers and acolytes positioned to take the nation down in the civil service. And the decimation of our military and our ability to protect ourselves. At this point in time the only people our military can tame are us, even the mythical Duchy of Grand Fenwick has nothing to fear from us. Obama must go down to defeat and his cronies like Axelrod, Jarrett, Clinton and Pelosi need to face the rightful sentence that needs to be imposed on them for the treachery against the Republic in selecting and positioning a fraud to take the position of President of the United States. And let me state clearly to our candidate, don't you dare pardon Obama or his aiders and abetters from the natural justice for their crimes.
We haven't hanged a President yet, but by George that day might just be here.
- Dr. Jim Garrow -

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