Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Obama to give UN control of our water!
This building and every one in it needs to be shoved into oblivion. They're all anti-America, even though we pay most of the money used, and it's full of heathens and various assorted other anti-Freedom fighters. The UN is un-American, and belongs off our shores. I'm all for throwing them all out as undesirable aliens and use all that space for business's. Instead of us paying everything, let some people in and start a business, pay utilities for a year, then figure rent. It'...d save WE the people a lot of money and and help the economy. We pay in 22% of the regular budget, PLUS additional for 'peacekeeping' and other costs. IN 2009-2010, we paid over 2 BILLION of that-about 26%. I'm sorry, but if we're going to spend that kind of money, WE the people should be getting more than we do. Get rid of this ONE WORLD POWER, hang a few 'select' politicians, and start taking care of Americans. Not through welfare, but by creating jobs, helping Dr's and schools, and gut a few of the most despicable heathens in our government. We CAN make it happen, but I'm going to put it like some of our less than honorable Liberal Politicians think. They say kill people who don't follow their 'leading from behind'. Ok, but we start with them. Public hangings would be a good way to get their attention. Not all, just a few. The rest need to be dropped someplace like the ' Chateau d'If '. I understand there's a good water drip in the lower chambers, plenty of rats and bugs for protein. Stand 20 ft fence, not more than a couple million volts, around the perimeter, and leave them to fend. BUnch of heathen crotch crickets don't deserve that much. But it MIGHT help others to come remember what happens to anti-American Americans. Plus they lose the citizenship

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