Tuesday, July 8, 2014

this is not my church
Truth be told of our History. History of the Indigenous people all over the world. Our people did not want to separate ourselves from non Natives. Our ancestors wanted to live in peace and to continue life the way it had always been. Share ...what the Creator gave us all to care for and to sustain all people. But then and even now all the majority of Non Native ppl and governments want to do is keep us quiet and take away what little we have left. They continue to take from our brother and sister tribes like those in the Amazon who are only now beginning to go through what our ancestors suffered. Only their numbers are smaller and cannot withstand the change that is to eventually come. What happened to these children is only one of hundreds of stories of the murder of so many little ones. Whether by gunfire, desiese, starvation or simple fear. Neglect and abuse of a child is still murder. Yes. Some of our ppl are racist, angry and are driven by needing to place blame someplace. Although I do not share such a feeling against non natives, i understand and do not condemn. How can I? It's STILL happening today to Indigenous people. Our children still being taken. Missing Indigenous men and women both here and in Canada but you will never hear about it on the news or read it in your paper because "we do not matter". We only matter when we are in the way, election time for votes or when we have something the government wants. Your own history record's this.
Taken from Orpheus

Mass Execution of aboriginal Children from the Mohawk Residential School located in Ontario. They took all those children and stood them up next to a big ditch, then they shot them all and they all fell into the ditch. S...ome of the kids were still alive and they just poured the dirt in on top of them. Buried them alive.

Prisoners of the church. This mass murder happened in 1943 – in Brantford, Ontario, on land occupied by the Canadian Army, at its Basic Training Camp Number 20

Lorna McNaughton of Ohsweken, Ontario: is a survivor of the infamous “Mush Hole”, the Brantford Mohawk Indian residential school, run by the Church and Crown of England until 1970.

Why were these children shot?

The school was overcrowded just then. She was there, Lorna saw the army bring in all these cots for lots of new kids who showed up from all over the country. They must have just wanted to get rid of all the extra hungry mouths; it was wartime and everything was rationed. One day those new kids were in the dorms, then they were all taken out, and were never seen again.

A probable site of this mass burial of the executed children has been located, and is now under the protection and jurisdiction of the Onkwehonwe Mohawk Nation and its clan mothers. #indigenous #aboriginal

The investigation into the Canadian Genocide continues.

The Mohawk residential school Institute, 1832-1970 – Church of England (Anglican) operated - Ontario.
Photo: Taken from Orpheus

Mass Execution of aboriginal Children from the Mohawk Residential School located in Ontario. They took all those children and stood them up next to a big ditch, then they shot them all and they all fell into the ditch. Some of the kids were still alive and they just poured the dirt in on top of them. Buried them alive.

Prisoners of the church. This mass murder happened in 1943 – in Brantford, Ontario, on land occupied by the Canadian Army, at its Basic Training Camp Number 20

Lorna McNaughton of Ohsweken, Ontario: is a survivor of the infamous “Mush Hole”, the Brantford Mohawk Indian residential school, run by the Church and Crown of England until 1970.

 Why were these children shot? 

The school was overcrowded just then. She was there, Lorna saw the army bring in all these cots for lots of new kids who showed up from all over the country. They must have just wanted to get rid of all the extra hungry mouths; it was wartime and everything was rationed. One day those new kids were in the dorms, then they were all taken out, and were never seen again.

A probable site of this mass burial of the executed children has been located, and is now under the protection and jurisdiction of the Onkwehonwe Mohawk Nation and its clan mothers. #indigenous #aboriginal

 The investigation into the Canadian Genocide continues. 

The Mohawk residential school Institute, 1832-1970 – Church of England (Anglican) operated - Ontario.

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