Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Like the Nazis, who, where actually a small percentage of Germans, the “soldiers” of the Black War on our police represent the sentiments and beliefs of a considerably larger segment of African American.

 Barack Obama Eric Holder Al Sharpton and Comrade Bill de Blasio have done so much to poison race relations in America that this is undeniable. In their aims attitude and ultimate goals the soldiers of the Black War on our police and the Nazis are very similar. Both regularly use(d) lies and propaganda to promote their message. Both attack(ed) weak and defenseless targets like elderly people and unsuspecting others in sneak attacks.

 Thugs running through the streets attacking specific targets brought the Nazis to power. In their case they attacked Jewish owned shops and homes. The “soldiers” in the Black War on our police attack targets they perceive to be owned by Whites. They see doing battle with our police is a necessary step to crushing White society in America.

 Unlike the feckless Left these “soldiers” have always understood that America’s police officers are the front line against their achieving the supremacy they demand.

 The Black War on our police which started in 1970 with attacks on police by the Black Liberation Army. They cowardly crept up on police officers and shot them in the back. The fact that they shot both White and Black police officers made their point that their war was on all of our police not just White police officers.

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