Monday, May 11, 2015

The rise of "Black Supremacy", or the embodiment of the old racist "Minstrel show", where whites performed in ""Black face".
First of all, there is no such thing a true "black supremacy".
What I do see much more to my horror, is a large swath of the black ethnic group being manipulated by a classic Marxist & 1-world agenda to destroy Constitutional freedoms, and bring down capitalism.
Blacks only make up 10% of the US population. Furthermore, true "supremacy" denotes real economic power, and other than a tiny minority of black entertainers, athletes, and "sociopathic-political grifters", there is no wide spread black ultra elite financial power.
Black America has neither the numbers or the cash to ever be more than the "tip" of a massive Liberal - Progressive, predominantly WHITE , Euro-trash, power structure.
The enduring enemy of our Constitutional Republic is the abandonment of the Bible, and the Conservatives not going "hog -wild" to take back serious control of our education system, to include influencing teacher training and student curriculum .
Putting a "black face" on an issue does invoke latent anger, hatred, and fear. However, Obama is simply the dupe figurehead of a Left Wing "minstrel" show where the performers appear in "black face", but at the end of the day, they take off their theater make-up and let their Liberal Progressive white faces glisten in the sun light.
Americans of faith, and patriotic good character must realize that the heavily provoked racial hatred between black and whites is simply a time tested "smoke screen" and "wedge issue" weapon. This weapon has been used effectively since the time of Woodrow Wilson, to ultimately destroy our financial stability, and force America back into a world dominated by European elitists and bankers.

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