Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sister Thunder honoring our falling hero


May 30, 2016 Monday “Memorial Day” at 5:00pm PST call-in if you want to be a part of show (347) 826-7353


Everyone celebrates Memorial Day with hotdogs and lounge chairs.


And it may not happen all the time, but the meaning of Memorial Day can sometimes get lost in making those long weekend travel plans.


But Memorial Day has a deeper meaning. It started at the end of the Civil War, when it was called Decoration Day, where the newly unified nation came together to honor and remember all of those who perished in the war. As the 20th Century rolled around, Decoration Day became Memorial Day and was dedicated to the remembrance of all those who fell during military service.


Tell us their story of sacrifice and remembrance, in their words.  So I will be reading letters and remembering the lost hero. And MY Letter to My hero..


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