Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Misanthrope President:

There seems to be a bit of a dialogue developing regarding whether Bathhouse Barry is in fact moronic, imbecilic, stupid, or cunning, devious, brilliant.
Let me set the record straight as to what I know to be true and what I can induce or deduce given evidence one way or the other.

I would suggest that there is at least a psychological aberration at work in the man in... the Oval Office. As a person who can tell lies and obfuscate at the turn of a hat or as a new line reaches the highlighted portion of the teleprompter, there must be something a little off. To lie constantly, with a smile on the face, is not the norm nor is it something to be respected or praised, let alone be held in high esteem. And so our allies and enemies around the world see him as weak and seriously flawed. They note that he is "double minded" and therefore "unstable in all his ways". A pretty serious affirmation of the Scriptural warning for us to stay from "such a one".

Barry is marginally intelligent (WISC-R scores 128 - high intelligence but well short of genius), and what should be seen as more than significant is on the Emotional Intelligence scale he is seen as being immature and unreliable (two seriously offputting indicators) and untrustworthy.

The deliberation that must go into the fraud being perpetrated against the American people suggests the understanding and strategic thinking of a fairly high order thinker. Possibly this is reflective of the genius behind the endeavor and not Barry himself.

Let me remind folks that it is possible to call someones actions stupid or moronic without ever implying that the person is stupid or moronic themselves. Barry is not stupid, but he is devious, and well scripted. He is a fool to think that there is no God who will ultimately judge him for his actions and his perfidy. As we will all be judged according to what we did in relation to Gods sin offering on our behalf, Barry will receive the condemnation of one whose deception led many astray. The Scriptural assurance that it would be "better that a millstone be tied around the neck and being tossed into the sea" than to have led Gods children astray is perhaps the most forbidding future that I foresee for the man who would be king.

- Dr. Jim Garrow -

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