Thursday, February 27, 2014

Is This Hate Speech? Facebook Thinks So 

For those who say that we don’t need special laws to protect religious freedom, because, well, we have the 1st Amendment, and that the freedoms of speech, religion, and the press will never, could NEVER, be infringed in America…please read on.
A Steve Deace listener named Randy Davis was banned from Facebook today for posting “hate speech.” He received a message that stated he’d violated the site’s policies and would temporarily be blocked from using the platform. He shared with us the post that sparked the ban.

Here’s what Facebook didn’t want you to read. Is it really hate speech? Does it deserve to be silenced?
It’s time for sleeping Christians and traditional American’s to awaken before they drive America off of a cliff to which there is no bottom.
If ever there was a “hill to die on” for conservatives, it is the issue of religious freedom. The Arizona bill currently in the news will bring this discussion to the forefront once again, and it appears even many in the GOP are bowing to this false narrative. As is usually the case, the arguments coming from the left (and some in the GOP) always include gays “are born that way” along with “why does everyone seem to zero in on homosexuality and gay “marriage” instead of focusing on lots of other sins?”
A person is born white, black, female, male, Hispanic, Oriental–that is something you have no control over. Taking your pants off to have sex is a choice. Sin is sin in God’s eyes. No sin is greater than another. The sin of homosexuality is no more or no less a sin than murder, adultery, stealing, lying, gossiping, or gluttony.
The reason this sin is being singled out and addressed is because most who commit it, are proud of their sin and promote it as an “acceptable” lifestyle.
People who commit adultery do not have parades to celebrate their sin. People who commit murder do not have political action committees to make murder legal and socially acceptable. People who steal do not have high school clubs and try to teach children that stealing is acceptable behavior.
Homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God and is something to be ashamed of, not proud of. Theologically this is not even a debatable issue. All through the Bible, from the Old Testament through the New, homosexuality is defined by God as a sin, period. God calls it “an abomination.” I have heard the tortured theological arguments homosexuals have made, but there is absolutely no way to change the fact this act is a sin, because God calls it a sin.
Like Jesus, a person can love the sinner while hating the sin. It is impossible for a true Christian believer who loves his fellow man to put their stamp of approval on gay “anything” because in so doing we would be waving an approving good bye to those caught up in this sin as they ride a conveyor belt directly into Hell.
In reality, the Bible calls for a balance between what some people think are two opposing reactions–condemnation and compassion. Really, the two together are essential elements of biblical love, and that’s something the homosexual sinner desperately needs.
Homosexual advocates have been remarkably effective in selling their warped interpretations of passages in Scripture that address homosexuality. When you ask a homosexual what the Bible says about homosexuality–and many of them know–they have digested an interpretation that is not only warped, but also completely irrational.
Pro-homosexual arguments from the Bible are nothing but smokescreens–as you come close, you see right through them. God’s condemnation of homosexuality is abundantly clear–He opposes it in every age.
          As Christians, we must not compromise what the Bible says about homosexuality–ever. No matter how much you desire to be compassionate to the homosexual, your first sympathies belong to the Lord and to the exaltation of His righteousness.
Homosexuals stand in defiant rebellion against the will of their Creator who from the beginning “made them male and female” (Matthew 19:4).
Don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by homosexual advocates along with politicians and their futile reasoning-their arguments are without substance.
Homosexuals, and those who advocate that sin, are fundamentally committed to overturning the Lordship of Christ in this world. But their rebellion is useless, for the Holy Spirit says,
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God” (1Corinthians 6:9-10; cf. Galatians 5:19-21).
So, what is God’s response to the homosexual agenda?
Certain and final judgment. To claim anything else is to compromise the truth of God and deceive those who are perishing.
God’s plan for homosexuals is that they come to salvation along with former fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, thieves, coveters, drunkards, revilers, and swindlers. Remember, such were some of us, too.
Truth does not change because it can’t. Some may ask “Is God finished with America?” I can’t answer that one, but it appears more and more Americans are finished with God- in much the same way it appears the GOP may be finished with their base.
Facebook is a publicly-traded, private business. Gigantically successful, nigh ubiquitous in modern life, and highly personalized…but still a private business, operating a platform for personal expression.
So this private business shut down service to a customer, because they disagreed with him on human sexuality. Better call Jan Brewer and the tolerance police: that’s discrimination!
Oh, right. It’s only discrimination when Christians say, “no.”
When any other business says, “no,” Christians can say nothing. Because we’ve already been silenced. The debate, as they say, is”over,” because only one side is allowed speak up. Now, you’ll be made to care…or made to be quiet.


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