Monday, August 25, 2014

These are the images that these SAVAGES are posting onto their own websites & social media sites. (I won't glorify them by repeating, tho the name of one can be seen in the image.)
These ISIS mongrels are roving around cities & towns in Iraq rounding up individuals who were in or a part of the U.S.-trained security forces --or even suspected of having been-- lining the up,d shooting them in the head, having them lay face down in a ditch then walking the line with a machine ...gun, or slitting their throats and allowing them to bleed out. If they had a wife & family, I won't even go into the details of what they're doing to them.

Our government has much of this blood on its hands. The White House was told - over and over and over again what would happen if you broadcast an exit date then simply pulled out and walked away. Everyone with an iota of military sense saw this coming. But polls showed that "Americans want out of Iraq & by sticking to that plan you get elected (or re-elected.)" And so here we are. Thousands fleeing for their lives across a barren desert. Many if not most, not making it.
Sorry for the graphic nature and brutality of this, but sticking our heads in the sand about what's really going on helps nothing. Now that big brother is gone, little brother isn't just getting a bloody nose and his lunch money stolen. He's losing his head. Literally. This is a crisis of absolutely epic proportions that our media is only half covering.

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