Monday, November 4, 2013

Employment Non-discrimination Act: Obama Supports Sexual Predators in US Classrooms, Will Congress

Our do nothing Congress is once again considering the passage of legislation protecting gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender men and women against workplace discrimination. The Employment Non-discrimination Act of 2013 or ENDA---supposedly supported by a majority of Americans---has just moved up on President Obama's list of second term Executive Branch priorities.
Sexual Deviants push to educate America's children and "normalize" what was once considered a mental illness.

Sexual Deviants push to educate America's children and "normalize" what was once considered a mental illness.
Washington D.C. , our nation's capital, where elected officials swear an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution, is about to destroy first amendment protections, criminalize conservative ideology, attack religious freedom, and assert themselves in private business practices to protect "perceived" sexual orientation and prevent sexual practices discrimination. In other words, establish special legal protections for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender) America (3% of US population), while potentially criminalizing the thoughts, speech, and religious practices of everyone else.

The text of the Employment Non-discrimination Act (EDNA) can be found here.
Although, the Employment Non-discrimination Act affects all workplaces of every employer (with 15 or more employees) in the nation, I would like to touch on one, Public Education.
Envision, if you will, a lover of children teaching in a public school classroom. Your child's public school classroom. For years, this educator kept his sexual predilections (as most people do) to himself. Now, after Employment Non-discrimination Act passage, he returns to start the new school year as a woman, or a proud and public member of the North American Man Boy Love Association or a transvestite in drag.
Imagine your parental concerns about such an occurrence being dismissed by school administrators. There convenient excuse, "There is nothing we can do, federal law bars us from taking any action to have this individual removed from the classroom. It could also be interpreted as discrimination if we changed your child's class. Therefore, your child, like all the rest will have to get used to it." Moreover, imagine being sued in Civil Court for damages because you can no longer publicly oppose your child's exposure to the LGBT indoctrination process sanctioned by your government in our nation's public schools.
All of this is brought to you courtesy of the same government that cannot pass a bill requiring everyone working in public education to undergo a criminal or sex offender database background check. It is amazing that the government cannot agree to protect the nation's children from potential violent sexual assault (in our Public Education system), but can find consensus and compromise on providing special protections for potential sexual perpetrators (in our Public education system).
According to a recent Huffington Post Op-Ed, titled "Congress Needs to Pass the Employment Non-discrimination Act" President Barrack Obama writes, "ENDA will provide strong federal protections against discrimination making it explicitly illegal to fire someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Obama also goes on to write, "Our nation's journey toward equality isn't complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law…"
The President Op-Ed can be found here.
President Obama fails to mention that the Employment Non-discrimination Act does not specifically define sexual orientation or sexual discrimination. If passed the Employment Non-discrimination Act of 2013 will also include interpreted protections for cross-dressing, serial masturbators, and members of the North American Man Boy Love Association, Sadomasochists, and those that find animals sexually attractive.
I live in a country that has seen homosexuality (once a bonafide mental disorder) re-invented as a healthy trait of balanced individuals (think Obama); a country that funds the aborting of over one million inconvenient babies annually; a country that, supposedly, now supports exposing our children to potential alternative lifestyle sexual indoctrination, and yes, sexual assault and child rape. In addition, if the Employment Non-discrimination Act of 2013 becomes law, parents and school boards that care, will be powerless to prevent it legally.
For years, members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) have worked to normalize pedophilia (just as they did with Homosexuality in 1973) and have it removed from the bible of APA psychiatric disorders. According to some psychiatric experts, "If a person does not act on the fantasies or urges of pedophilia, he is not a pedophile. A person not distressed over the urges or fantasies and who just repeatedly masturbates to them has no disorder. But a person who is not distressed over them and has sexual contact with a child does have a mental disorder."
I wonder what leading psychiatrists might say about the mental health of the federal government that may soon provide---through passage of Employment Non-discrimination Act of 2013---distressed or non-distressed LGBT miscreants with a readily available supply of potential fantasies and child victims. Moreover, what would they say about a President, who thinks this is a sound government policy?
Here's the link to contact your representatives and demand they put an end to this.

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