Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I have always thought that without Christianity Western Civilization would not be as it is today. Natural Law and the U.S. Constitution was based on the tenets of Christianity. For instance, "All men are created equal and endowed with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (property)" was based on the tenets of Christianity, which was also embedded in Natural Law. Enza Ferreri, an Agnostic, talks about this, and about the vast difference between Christianity and Islam, and our Marxist culture which has served to squash the importance of Christianity to Western Civilization. It's worth listening to her as she explains this further. Please let me know which parts of her brief talk meant the most to you, and pass it on. 

 I have to disagree with one thing that she said. Some experts on the subject of Islam. who have read the thick books that no one else will read, like Bill Warner, would disagree that Rome was destroyed by the barbarians. They would say that Rome was destroyed by Islam's aggressive battles against everyone who wouldn't submit to it.  ~

 Here's an excerpt from her talk:

 "We know much more about Islam than about Christianity.Now I've been an Atheist almost all my life. I've become an Agnostic less than a year ago when I realized that the reason why many people are opposed to many Atheists are opposed to the belief in God which is the reason they deduce is there is not enough evidence for the belief in God could also be the argument against Atheism. Because when you say there is no Creator because that doesn't explain the origin of the Universe by means of a Creator you are automatically subscribing to the alternative view which is that everything happens by chance that the Universe came about by accident and that has got less evidence than the belief in God. 

 Let's put the belief in God aside. We all know that we have a problem with Islam but we should understand for instance that the idea has failed has had many problems exactly because it starts from only that you can't it's just a spontaneous reaction against Islam but without a grasp of the problem and but the ground to understand it and face it Islam is not the problem it is a symptom of a desease and the desease is cultural Marxism. Now we wouldn't have any problem of Islam if the West were strong from within. It's like the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was destroyed by the barbarians from outside but more than anything it was destroyed from some weakness from inside from the divisions within it. And the same applies to the West and Islam. The same way as Rome versus the barbarians.The West's superiority and the greatest trend is such that Islam wouldn't trouble us at all if we didn't have the division within the West which are caused by cultural Marxism which is the reincarnation of Marxism in the 20th Century..." Listen to the rest on the video.

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