Wednesday, July 23, 2014

In Israel...Its “Deja vu” All Over Again!
Having written 6 books on Balkan history, my newest book is: Memoirs of a Serbian-American Dissident, a book about the Balkan war that dismembered former Yugoslavia and the duplicity of the U.S. and her NATO partners.
The U.S. violated the UN Charter, the NATO Treaty, The Helsinki Final Act and The Geneva Conventions by bombing civilian targets in Serbia including 200 schools, 11 hospitals, 7 nursing homes and entire Serbian villages like Aleksinac in which we destroyed over 400 homes, killed 17 people and wounded 60 people in one night…that village was miles from any Serbian military targets. And you remained silent…
The media today is guilty of pounding their chests about Putin arming and training “separatists” yet in former Yugoslavia we not only secretly armed Croatia, we sent 15 retired American generals from MPRI in Alexandria, Virginia to train them including the pre planning of “Operation Storm” in 1995 when 230,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed from Croatia…they arranged for AWACS to be turned off so that Croatia could violate the “No’Fly” zone in which they bombed and strafed fleeing Serbian refugees, a war crime. They dragged Serbs off of their carts and wagons and beat them to death (420 victims) as Ambassador Galbraith rode the lead vehicle out of Croatia but never looked back at the carnage being inflicted on these refugees… You remained silent.
We then secretly armed the Bosnian Muslims as well as Kosovo “separatists” in which 9,000 Serbs were killed not counting Nasir Oric whose goons and thugs destroyed 32 Serbian villages that surrounded Srebrenica killing over 2,800 Serbian women and children in their nightly raids and retreating to the “Safe-Haven” of Srebrenica under the protection of NATO Dutch forces. You remained silent.
Pretending now that the CIA and the US is not behind these crimes in the Ukraine is immoral with too many of your ilk in the media now resorting to use the very same ugly tactics to discredit Israel with the same propaganda ploy used against the Serbs.
Not since Hitler has an ethnic race been so successfully demonized with collective guilt as the Serbs…and you in the media are doing it all over again against Israel who has every right to defend themselves against these daily bombings…Just because Israel more accurately protects and shelters its people from those bombs is not the issue…the terrorists prevent Palestinian civilians to flee so more will be killed to their PR benefit…your aiding and abetting this disgusting tactic shows contempt for the truth …a pox on your house and your children. You are a media terrorists and that unfortunately is just as corrupt as these immoral Hamas goons and thugs.
And just for accuracy, the US bombed 47 major manufacturing companies that put over two million Serbs out of a job, the current unemployment rate in Serbia is 22%…we resorted to bombing moving trains, buses and even passenger cars…and as though that was not contemptible enough the US bombed Belgrade Television killing 17 in our display of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
Perhaps the most ugly violation of the Geneva Conventions was the use of cluster bombs dropped on civilians in Serbia. Gen. Wesley Clark refused to release the maps where he dropped those bombs for ten years, that guaranteed Serbian children would be maimed and killed. He should be standing in the dock at The Hague Tribunal.
It has recently been disclosed through a number of documents that the NATO generals headed by war criminal Wesley Clark, preplanned ECOCIDE against Serbia in our deliberate bombing of facilities that destroyed the ecology. This included the oil storage facilities on the banks of the Danube River that polluted that river for a thousand miles through seven countries…many of the people along that river depended on fish for food. The use of uranium tipped bombs have polluted the water table in the Belgrade area for the next 500 years, or are you morons in the media pretending not to notice that cancer deaths in Serbia rose by 3,000% in the decade since the bombing or that birth defects in Serbia have shown a three-fold increase since 1999′s bombing? And you remain silent.
Obama and the lunatics in the industrial military complex have sweep their war crimes under the rug in Serbia. Hold your nose Ukraine, its “deja vu” all over again.
Seen here, Aleksinac and the current media image used against Israel.
In Serbia such destruction was totally ignored by the media. Suddenly Israel is the bad guy?

William Dorich's photo.

William Dorich's photo.

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