Monday, December 30, 2013

Fabian Society and Remembering History

Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana observed in 1905 that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Which raises the question whether those who can remember are not doomed, anyway, to be swept along by the majority who cannot. Karl Marx (1852) wrote: “Hegel remarks somewhere that all facts and personages of great importance in world history occur, as it were, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”
And finally “Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.”

In, “A Fabian Socialist Dream Come True” (2008) the author examined a small group of individuals, composed mostly of elite socialists, forming what is known as the Fabian Society in England in 1887.
The Fabian Society achieved one of its many goals by “assisting in the ‘gradual’ implementation of the ‘welfare state’ in England by playing on the weaknesses of human nature.” Studying the 20th and 21st centuries you will find there are those who have adopted the same beliefs and ideology – different names or factions.
Most socialists advocate complete state ownership of businesses, industry, agriculture and land. In England, implementation could not be done all at once – controlling utilities, transportation, precious metals and borrowing mechanisms enabled them to achieve a few of their goals.
Fast forward – our government owns the majority of America’s natural resources and has developed or expanded rules and regulations to exert pressure and/or control of the private sector, utility companies, industry, financial institutions as well as an ever increasing encroachment into our lives. George Will, in a review for Newsweek, stated that “nudges have the additional virtue of annoying those busybody, nanny-state liberals who, as the saying goes, do not care what people do as long as it is compulsory” or mandated.
In Forbes, 2008, Jerry Bowyer wrote an article entitled “Barack Obama, Fabian Socialist” wherein he stated that “he ought to know, because he was raised by one.” Apparently, these elitists still exist. He further stated: “Fabians basically believe in the gradual nationalization of the economy through manipulation of the democratic process.” (Read Cass Sunstein’s “Nudge“)

Breaking away from the violent revolutionary socialists of the 1800′s, “they thought the only real way to effect ‘fundamental change’ and ‘social justice’ was through a mass movement of the working classes ‘presided’ over by intellectual, cultural elites.” Even Saul Alinsky, in “Rules for Radicals,” realized that “any positive action for radical social change will have to be focused on the white middle class.”
Fabians sought to impose their socialist ideology gradually using the voting booth and representative democracy as their instrument of change rather than engaging in a violent revolution. Achieving “socialist” goals is difficult at best, but their goals and priorities were easier to implement in Great Britain considering the time frame in which the “welfare state” was implemented without even using the word “socialism.”
These same “socialist” policies have slowly permeated our society beginning with the implementation of Social Security in 1935 and Medicare 1965, all with a complicit, uninformed, gullible, naïve, voting population. Many warnings are of record that America was under attack by subversive groups and organizations; but most were silenced by the opposition. Sound familiar?
In 1954, a Congressional hearing was held to discuss an agreement made between the agents of this Government, the United Nations and NATO to build a world government, and to make the United States a part of it, regardless of our Constitution, laws, and traditions.
In 1958, the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 2nd Session a hearing was held where Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer testified that the “objectives of the Soviet are clearly stated in the Communist Manifesto and again developed in the two volumes of Das Kapital by Karl Marx. These Soviet objectives are available for the public to read. Hitler announced to the world in the same unmistakable manner his objectives in a book, Mein Kampf. But no one paid any attention to Hitler’s attempt to warn the world of his intentions. I wonder if we are paying sufficient attention to the Communist objectives.”
Also, in 1958, W. Cleon Skousen, an ex-FBI agent having access to documentation, files and information about House Committee investigations, Communists, Marxists, and Progressives, authored a book entitled, “The Naked Communist” which outlined over 45 goals and strategies to fundamentally change an “advanced capitalistic country” using Gramsci’s model and writings (1920′s) by undermining the culture and morality.
In 1970, a publication entitled “Program of the Communist Party, USA” described in detail that the “US was ripe for basic social change and the goal was to bring about that change… and show that this monster is capitalism, and that its replacement by socialism represents the only fundamental solution to the critical problems the American people now face.”

Research will provide ample exemplars of what we are up against. The left, however, will usually identify, freeze, personalize and polarize an industry, business, or individual, who opposes their ideology; that’s why most social programs introduced have had little opposition. Race baiting, personal attacks and vilification are tactics used.
Human nature combined with political agendas wherein an emotional appeal is interjected into the discourse reflects that social issues have proven to be quite a successful tactic to use each election cycle and the ‘political left’ have mastered this technique. According to research, humans are highly attuned to unfairness and when weighing the demands of maintaining justice and fairness vs. the preservation of one’s economic self-interest; the heart or emotional side usually overrules the more logical mind or head.
“Make no mistake, Fabian Socialists are Statists and are absolutely authoritarian in their philosophy. An absolute authoritarian philosophy is a Dictatorship with full-imposition of a very legalistic society where the individual is simply a part of the collective.” Notice how often the term “collective” is used in speeches by Obama, Clinton and others within the Democratic Party. Even George Bernard Shaw said that: “Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.” In the simplest of terms “what is given can just as easily be taken away.”

From a “collective” viewpoint, of course, all of this is in the best interest of society as a whole with each person being just a cog in the machine of social justice. “Social justice” is a big selling point and easy to peddle in any debate on welfare, unemployment or any social program being promoted during political campaigns. Again, implementing social reform in incremental stages allows time for the people to become acclimated to the ever increasing intervention of the state or government in the personal affairs of everyone – ultimately end product is socialism.
Once the capitalist system is sufficiently neutralized the rest comes relatively easy. Control over the money supply requires a central bank (Federal Reserve) along with a fiat monetary system, effective regulation over infrastructure and services. Most of this was accomplished through FDR’s New Deal (now Obamacare and Dodd-Frank) legislation – numerous price controls, quotas, subsidies, inspections, regulations, licenses, fees, penalties and massive government interventions into what was formerly private enterprise. Although you would never hear politicians of either party admit to supporting the ideology of socialism, they nevertheless not only support such measures, but also promote them.”

fabian society



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