Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I took Teagan in to the doctor this morning and they decided to give her a breathing treatment. The meds they put in the nebulizer made Ts oxygen drop. They repeated the treatment a second time thinking she needed it and again they dropped. Oxygen h...elped in office, and she earned a fancy ride to ACH. She also tested positive for the flu she tested negative for on Friday. The docs I have talked to here feel confident the reason she has done so well and even tested negative for flu is related to the daily D3 we give her and the help it provides her immune system (can I just say I love when doctors admit natural methods work, too! They also said to keep doing what we are doing and will be continuing the same regimen while we are inpatient. In all honesty she would have been fine at home had her sats not dropped like that today, and we are hoping to be in and out. She is in good spirits and they gave her a MUCH better medicine, racemic epinephrine, and that helped. Unfortunately she hasn't pulled back up to her "sick normal" of 85 so hopefully she bounces back from that soon. I hate having to find out the hard way a medicine is not right for her. 

::sigh:: Well, I was hoping to wait til tomorrow and post a cute picture of Teagan dancing or something, but one of our nurse buddies stopped in and said when I don't update she worries. :) I don't want that so here is the skinny. 

I took Teagan in to the doctor this morning and they decided to give her a breathing treatment. The meds they put in the nebulizer made Ts oxygen drop. They repeated the treatment a second time thinking she needed it and again they dropped. Oxygen helped in office, and she earned a fancy ride to ACH. She also tested positive for the flu she tested negative for on Friday. The docs I have talked to here feel confident the reason she has done so well and even tested negative for flu is related to the daily D3 we give her and the help it provides her immune system (can I just say I love when doctors admit natural methods work, too! :) They also said to keep doing what we are doing and will be continuing the same regimen while we are inpatient. In all honesty she would have been fine at home had her sats not dropped like that today, and we are hoping to be in and out. She is in good spirits and they gave her a MUCH better medicine, racemic epinephrine, and that helped. Unfortunately she hasn't pulled back up to her "sick normal" of 85 so hopefully she bounces back from that soon. I hate having to find out the hard way a medicine is not right for her. :/

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