Saturday, January 18, 2014

Disarming America:

Here’s a test:

Name this powerful country:
Here’s their military strength....

709,000 active duty personal
293,000 reserves
8 standing Army divisions
20 air force and Navy air wings
(232 boomers and over 2,000 combat aircraft)
13 strategic ballistic missile submarines
(3114 nuclear warheads with 232 missiles)
4 aircraft carriers
121 surface combat ships and submarines

Wait !

This is not a foreign country,
This is the amount of military personal the United States lost just during the Clinton administration !!!

(I forgot mention the closure of hundreds of military bases world wide !)

Between 1992 and 2000, the Clinton Administration cut national defense by more than half a million personnel.
The Army alone lost four active divisions and two Reserve divisions. The number of active personnel in the Air Force decreased by nearly 30 percent. In the Navy, the total number of ships decreased from 393 ships in 1992 to 316 today.

"Following the end of the Cold War, President Clinton began to dismantle our military. He reduced our forces by 500,000. He retired almost 80 ships. Our spending on national defense dropped from over 6 percent of GDP to 3.8 percent today."
- Romney

I will now hear, an excuse , from Socialists, on how these cuts were started by the 1st. Pres, Bush .
The 1st President Bush did request a cut in our military, but it was no where near the extent taken by Pres. Clinton.
Clinton went at it 4 fold.

Everyone knows that these Socialists always cut our military first.
After all, we are the baby killers.
Just ask John Kerry.

They are destroying America and they LOVE it !
They’ve been at it for years !!

I am so sick and tired of hearing about the weakness of the US Armed Forces, when the cause has been intentional and directed by the Socialists in this country !

According to Defense News, “Obama is sticking by plans to again shrink the active-duty troops of the Army and the Marine Corps.”
… “ the severe and abrupt budget cuts are devastating the U.S. armed forces.”
.. “they are devastating military readiness, I just can't believe what we're doing to the military right now."
-Defense Department Comptroller Robert F. Hale - 5/10/2013

Here we go.
Again !

According to the U.S. Department of Defense, our military has 1.5 million active duty troops,
That’s less than half the 3.6 million troops we had during the Korean War !

“Troops face longer deployments and multiple tours of duty to compensate for fewer personnel.”
- Face the Facts

“Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is underway.”
- The Blaze / Oct. 23, 2013

When the HELL is this going to stop ?
I’ll tell ya.
When America is so weak that we need to turn the UN, and the world, to help us out.
(yea, that’s gonna happen)
Then, we will finally be “put in our place” !!
America will no longer be the exception to the rule but just another country in the “Community of Nations” !!
(Kinda sounds like Hitler, doesn’t it ?)
(Oh, wait, That’s right, Hitler was a Socialist !!)

“It takes a village”
(of nations)

BS !!!

America needs a mighty military.
To protect us, our land, our constitution against enemies (foreign and domestic) and to protect the freedoms of millions around the world from , what history has shown is, the never ending threats from people who think they have ALL the answers of life and their murderous, power hungry ideologies that can not accept mans right to self determination and the right to live free.

How long do you really believe it would take for a 3rd World War to take place if
The United States was not here, with the most powerful military, to balance the scales ?
Communists, Socialists and Radical Islam would “have at it” till there was nothing left to govern and the world becomes a complete desolation.
Think about it !

Now they’re after our guns and our right to bear arms

Socialism and Communism has caused the deaths of more than 180,000,000 of their own innocent citizens since 1910 but if we ever lose our military might and our right to bear arms, I’m afraid, that number would just be a skirmish !

Here’s a video:

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”
- Ronald Reagan

We have GOT to put a stop to this NOW !!!!!
Stand tall and spread the word !

“Know the History”

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