Sunday, March 30, 2014

I read your article with great interest. As a self-publisher for 29 years I am also the author of 6 books on Balkan history including my 1992 book, Kosovo. My newest book is: Memoirs of a Serbian-American Dissident that covers the recent Civil Wars in former Yugoslavia.

I think you should be aware of an incident that took place in Kosovo that speaks volumes about American duplicity and dishonesty.

This was written by Russell Gordon, an eye witness to this event when he covered the Balkans for Chronicles Magazine. I included his article in a 4 page brochure I sent to the U.S. House and Senate. There was not a single response. Why am I not surprised?

Behind Kosovo's Facade by Russell Gordon

"Arrogantly strutting around the opulent OSCE restaurant, on the upper floor of its Pristina headquarters, Richard Holbrooke cut an imposing figure. The "Balkan peace negotiator" whose bloody legacy stretched from Vietnam and Indonesia to Belgrade minced no words about U.S. policy for the region. In front of the five heads of UNMIK be bellowed: "Forget multi-ethnic Kosovo. Forget Resolution 1244. We only signed that to get rid of the Serbs." It was a warm August 1999, and the official representatives of the "international community" remained cooly silent. Only one official, Dennis MacNamara, head of UNHCR spoke up, questioning why the UN took on the mission if the expulsion of the Serbs was a foregone conclusion. Holbrooke brushed off his inquiry; the other "dignitaries" remained quiet."

William Dorich, Publisher/Author

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