Wednesday, March 19, 2014

You'd think it a no-brainer. As I've said many times in radio interviews, etc. :

a) The democrat party is no longer just "pro-choice". That was a decade ago. They now want to see as many abortions performed in this nation & world as can possibly be. Early-term, mid-term, late-term, via a pill, without parental notification, using public funding, forcing insurance companies to pay for them, forcing churches & religious institutions to provide them against their beliefs and c...onvictions, sending money to other nations for the purpose of performing them, maintaining federal funding of 'fetal stem cell research' (aka: selling discarded baby parts to the highest bidder), etc., etc., etc.

b) Blacks in America vote democrat to the tune of 93%. At our one-time high, blacks in America made up a total of about 18% of the total population. Today we comprise about 13% of the total population; black women about 8%; yet account for about 36% of all abortions.

a + b =

c) Through our blind insistence on supporting one political party and one alone, the party that is wholly in financial bed with the abortion-performing industry, the party that supplies funding to companies that open & run abortion clinics almost exclusively in ethnic-minority neighborhoods, we are --in essence-- exterminating ourselves

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