Wednesday, March 12, 2014


3/12 - His labs are worse today than yesterday. They are blasting him with some heavy duty antibiotics and an antifungal.

They will watch his numbers and him clinically closely for the next 24 hours. They may also do an echo to make sure whatever is making him sick hasn't attacked his heart.

His fever is controlled with Tylenol and Motrin. But he just feels bad. ...

It's awful and so scary that his heart may have been affected. Hoping and praying that all these drugs work and his heart is safe.

This is sad-sad-I feel yucky - Evan. Our nurse was so great yesterday and suggested a wagon ride to cheer him up. It didn't work but at least we tried.

It is breaking my heart to see him like this.

Please pray for him. Please pray that he did not go through all of this for nothing.

My sweet boy....don't give up.
3/12 - His labs are worse today than yesterday. They are blasting him with some heavy duty antibiotics and an antifungal.

They will watch his numbers and him clinically closely for the next 24 hours. They may also do an echo to make sure whatever is making him sick hasn't attacked his heart. 

His fever is controlled with Tylenol and Motrin. But he just feels bad. 

It's awful and so scary that his heart may have been affected. Hoping and praying that all these drugs work and his heart is safe. 

This is sad-sad-I feel yucky - Evan. Our nurse was so great yesterday and suggested a wagon ride to cheer him up. It didn't work but at least we tried. 

It is breaking my heart to see him like this. 

Please pray for him. Please pray that he did not go through all of this for nothing. 

My sweet boy....don't give up.

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