Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Seems the meme below about LBJ and the ‘Great Society’ has stirred quite a bit of heated discussion. So this is for those in that thread who are screaming (as well as the more reasoned) at me and/or others – Brenda, David, Edward, of course our friend Cleveland, et. al.

That the ‘Great Society’, LBJ’s ‘Model Cities’ program and the birth of the inner-city, welfare state damaged and continues to do harm to black-Americans is indisputable. There’s literally no point in attempt...ing to argue. But you are missing my point with the whole Republican/Democrat bickering.

Neither party has a lock on virtue or vice. The point I make & have been making is that we blacks do ourselves, our communities and our nation a disservice by flatly refusing to so much as consider voting any other way than one. Buying into the “all Republicans are racists, how dare you event talk to one” line of thinking damages US more than anyone.

Cleveland A. consistently asks, “What have Republicans done for the black community?” The answer is – precious little (on a local level), b/c there are no republican-voting black districts. Such does not exist, so how can they? We’re talking about blacks here but any group of people who say --in advance-, “We’re voting for you. No matter what. It’s a done deal. There is no way we’ll so much as consider anyone else” – that’s a voter bloc that’s diluting its own potency.

ALL majority black precincts in this nation have had nothing but liberal democrat representation for the past four decades +. Are ANY of them improving? Charles Wrangle – Watts; Maxine Waters – South Central L.A.; John Conyers – Detroit. These representatives have been representing these communities for 20, 30, 40+ years, they have become multi, multi-millionaires; and are their districts experiencing higher than nat’l average economic growth; high school graduation rates; property value increases? Or lower than nat’l average crime rates; unwed mother rates; unemployment rates? No. These liberal democrats know that they cannot lose their jobs, and their performance reflects their comfort in that knowledge.

So yes, some more of us do need to begin reaching out to, interacting with and voting for republicans – if for no other reason than to cease being so predictable. Right now one party can ignore us the other can take us for granted. That’s a terrible place to be. Our staunch refusal to support anyone other than democrats has made the democrats complacent and comfortable, the republicans distant and aloof. Imagine what these representatives would have to do if they knew there was a chance that 30, 40, 50% of us may vote the other way. When it comes to majority-black precincts we have only lower class neighborhoods. Where are the majority black upper-middle class streets and communities? There are plenty of white ones. Find me a black one.

But still, Cleveland does ask a valid question; there are policy-based reasons as well. From a policy position, what does the republican platform have to offer? Well, here's 3 easy ones:

How about voting in some Republicans who support lowering taxes & easing restrictions on business operating in the neighborhoods and offer tax incentives & sunset periods to entrepreneurs, business owners & others considering bringing their businesses. Such legislative moves encourage economic development, provide jobs, get vacant commercially-zoned buildings occupied again. Democrats typically disdain the very idea of lowering ANYONE'S taxes, let alone those evil, rich, business owners & entrepreneurs who need to 'pay their fair share.' Illinois and Chicago legislators voted to DOUBLE business income taxes in 2012. Guess what? Businesses left and continue to leave the hood in droves. The same legislators are now proposing an 80% income tax increase on the state’s millionaires. Well, some of those millionaires own restaurants and oil-change shops and fast food joints in the hoods that employ people…what do you think is going to happen to those jobs when the millionaires decide “this place is too expensive and hostile”, and move on?

True conservatives are in favor of providing parents in depressed districts with publicly-funded school choice programs. Our black, inner-city neighborhoods all across this land are peppered with lousy, failing, crumbling, under-performing schools with much higher than nat'l average drop-out rates. These schools are dominated by teacher's unions. Democrats are, in turn, in the pockets of the unions & therefore resist any and all efforts to break the (failing) school's monopoly on neighborhood education. They have NO interest in providing parents with options to get their kids out of under-performing often times dangerous schools. Republicans have no such alligiance to teacher's unions. In fact, those unions hate republicans. So we get a few elected & we can start breaking down the cycle of poorly-educated youths in our districts and start providing our children superior education which, of course, also has positive local economic consequences. Read my piece on this one day, its very insightful:http://www.americanthinker.com/article/2013/08/obamas_war_on_black_education.html

Conservative republicans tend to be pro-life. The current iteration of the democrat party has a devotion to abortion that's downright cult like. They want as many performed as possible. Early-term, late-term, partial-birth, publicly funded, no parental notification,...you name it. We blacks in America once (at our historical high) made up about 18% of the total U.S. population. We now make up about 13%. Black women comprise about 8% of the total population of the nation, yet account for 39% of all abortions. Thru our blind devotion to the democrat party we are exterminating ourselves! Planned Parenthood, thoroughly in bed with Obama & the rest of the dems, is making BILLIONS off the blood of our own unborn. Planned Parenthood and other private abortion providers, like that demonic Kermit Gossnel, set up shot and operate in black & brown neighborhoods almost exclusively. Go to the upper-middle class parts of your city and check how many PP’s you see. Elect some republicans and begin turning that disgusting tide.

There, that's just 3 off the top. I could do this all night. We need to stop being so politically one-sided and realize that competition ALWAYS benefits the consumer. And right now, there is NO competition for our votes. None.

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