Saturday, June 21, 2014

Serbia's Revelation: Democracy is an Illusion by Wm. Dorich

Selective democracy is an illusion of freedom. So, too, was the American Revolution!
The American Revolution began with the secessionist movement from England, followed quickly by a campaign to “ethnically cleanse” the indigenous American Indians from this continent—exterminating them whenever possible.

The political leaders at that time, and their constituents, coveted the land of these “natives”—often in violation of solemn treaties. As the American Revolution continued, the next target was to eliminate the indigenous Spaniards in order to tame the “wild” west. Today, Propositions like 187 further denies the heirs of those “cleansed” Mexicans, from successfully returning to “American” soil. Fortunately that Proposition was struck down by the courts.

From the beginning of this “democracy,” the Americans created the world’s largest concentration camp, in which kidnapped black Africans were held in slavery until the American civil war. That civil war was witness to the motivations of “enlightened” self-interest in which the slaves were used to facilitate the burdens of rich white men while they pursued the tasks of creating a “free” nation—dependent on slave labor.

While these white men profited from a  “free enterprise system,” black slaves born in America, were systematically denied their constitutional rights. Freedom and civil rights would continue to be denied to black citizens in America for several generations—until the 1960s, when Jim Crow laws and the “ethnic cleansing” by the Ku Klux Klan was no longer politically correct. However, the practice of discrimination continues—the 1992 Los Angeles race riots attest to that fact.
During the American Civil War, it was the loyalist Virginia citizens who refused to secede from the Union by forming the State of West Virginia in 1863, a state in which yours truly was born. Today, Serbs born on Bosnian soil, have learned that any desire to remain in their Union with 100 year-old Yugoslavia, is internationally unacceptable and is called “aggression,”—a hideous term used to deny Serbs their human and civil rights and illustrates a double standard in international legal jurisprudence.

In the Balkan Revolution, the right to federate and seek independence appallingly only seems possible if America bestows such rights! Self-determination for Slovenes, Muslims, Croatians and Albanians was achieved only after the America government encumbered Yugoslavia with insurmountable debt of over $30 billion that enables the Americans to control that nation through coercion—a violation of the Helsinki Accords, the United Nations Charter,

The NATO Treaty, The Helsinki Final Act and The Geneva Conventions. The first step in destroying a nation in a Revolution is to cut the purse strings and bring that nation financially to its knees. In 1990, the American Senate orchestrated by Robert Dole cut foreign aid to Yugoslavia (Foreign Appropriation Bill #101-513) when that nation was $31 Billion in debt, nearly three times Yugoslavia’s gross national product.

New rules in a Revolution now include “sanctions” and the denial of food and medicine as a weapon of war—a process that can only be described as “medical genocide.” The American rules of Revolution demonstrate that it is acceptable for people to kill in the name of democracy, but unacceptable for the Serbs to fight for their right to exist. Attacks on villages to “purge” Serbian “occupiers” of disputed territory are acceptable, regardless of the fact that those Serbs were born on that soil, but Serbian counter-attacks are unacceptable. Ethnic cleansing and genocide are silently ignored when those practices are used against the Serbs. America has orchestrated the denial of food, medicine and even the chemicals necessary to purify water for the Serbs—a Revolutionary technique used to punish 5 million Serbs and 650,000 refugees, in an attempt to force them to capitulate! They will not, and they will never forget this hideous display of democracy in action.

Is it acceptable for Americans to destroy a generation of the young, the old and the sick in Serbia, by denying them food and medicine, but unacceptable for the Serbs to deny convoys of food and medicine to pass through their lines to reach their enemies? Brian Atwood, Administrator of the Agency for International Development, said: “Aid is the state of the art of preventive diplomacy.” (New York Times—Jan. 2, 1995).

America has sent the world the wrong message—that the end justifies the means! Those are the messages of My Lai, Vietnam, Cambodia, El Salvador, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa, Samolia, Cyprus, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraqi where territorial integrity is supported by America, while territorial integrity of Yugoslavia was simply ignored

Serbia's Revelation: Democracy is an Illusion   by Wm. Dorich

Selective democracy is an illusion of freedom. So, too, was the American Revolution!

The American Revolution began with the secessionist movement from England, followed quickly by a campaign to “ethnically cleanse” the indigenous American Indians from this continent—exterminating them whenever possible.  

The political leaders at that time, and their constituents, coveted the land of these “natives”—often in violation of solemn treaties.  As the American Revolution continued, the next target was to eliminate the indigenous Spaniards in order to tame the “wild” west. Today, Propositions like 187 further denies the heirs of those “cleansed” Mexicans, from successfully returning to “American” soil.  Fortunately that Proposition was struck down by the courts. 

From the beginning of this “democracy,” the Americans created the world’s largest concentration camp, in which kidnapped black Africans were held in slavery until the American civil war.  That civil war was witness to the motivations of “enlightened” self-interest in which the slaves were used to facilitate the burdens of rich white men while they pursued the tasks of creating a “free” nation—dependent on slave labor.  

While these white men profited from a “free enterprise system,” black slaves born in America, were systematically denied their constitutional rights.  Freedom and civil rights would continue to be denied to black citizens in America for several generations—until the 1960s, when Jim Crow laws and the “ethnic cleansing” by the Ku Klux Klan was no longer politically correct.  However, the practice of discrimination continues—the 1992 Los Angeles race riots attest to that fact.

During the American Civil War, it was the loyalist Virginia citizens who refused to secede from the Union by forming the State of West Virginia in 1863, a state in which yours truly was born.  Today, Serbs born on Bosnian soil, have learned that any desire to remain in their Union with 100 year-old Yugoslavia, is internationally unacceptable and is called “aggression,”—a hideous term used to deny Serbs their human and civil rights and illustrates a double standard in international legal jurisprudence.  

In the Balkan Revolution, the right to federate and seek independence appallingly only seems possible if America bestows such rights! Self-determination for Slovenes, Muslims, Croatians and Albanians was achieved only after the America government encumbered Yugoslavia with insurmountable debt of over $30 billion that enables the Americans to control that nation through coercion—a violation of the Helsinki Accords, the United Nations Charter, The NATO Treaty, The Helsinki Final Act and The Geneva Conventions.  The first step in destroying a nation in a Revolution is to cut the purse strings and bring that nation financially to its knees.  In 1990, the American Senate orchestrated by Robert Dole cut foreign aid to Yugoslavia (Foreign Appropriation Bill #101-513) when that nation was $31 Billion in debt, nearly three times Yugoslavia’s gross national product.

New rules in a Revolution now include “sanctions” and the denial of food and medicine as a weapon of war—a process that can only be described as “medical genocide.”  The American rules of Revolution demonstrate that it is acceptable for people to kill in the name of democracy, but unacceptable for the Serbs to fight for their right to exist.  Attacks on villages to “purge” Serbian “occupiers” of disputed territory are acceptable, regardless of the fact that those Serbs were born on that soil, but Serbian counter-attacks are unacceptable.  Ethnic cleansing and genocide are silently ignored when those practices are used against the Serbs.  America has orchestrated the denial of food, medicine and even the chemicals necessary to purify water for the Serbs—a Revolutionary technique used to punish 5 million Serbs and 650,000 refugees, in an attempt to force them to capitulate! They will not, and they will never forget this hideous display of democracy in action. 

Is it acceptable for Americans to destroy a generation of the young, the old and the sick in Serbia, by denying them food and medicine, but unacceptable for the Serbs to deny convoys of food and medicine to pass through their lines to reach their enemies? Brian Atwood, Administrator of the Agency for International Development, said: “Aid is the state of the art of preventive diplomacy.” (New York Times—Jan. 2, 1995).

America has sent the world the wrong message—that the end justifies the means!  Those are the messages of My Lai, Vietnam, Cambodia, El Salvador, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa, Samolia, Cyprus, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraqi where territorial integrity is supported by America, while territorial integrity of Yugoslavia was simply ignored.

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