Wednesday, June 4, 2014

To you and me, the Veteran's Health Administration scandal is typical for government-run services. But for progressives, a government-run hospital that denies care to the sick and allows patients to needlessly die, somehow comes as a surprise.
After all, the progressive, Nobel-winning economist who writes for the New York Times, Paul Krugman, wrote:

"What Mr. Romney and everyone else should know is that the V.H.A. is a huge policy success story, which offers important lesson...s for future health reform."

He wrote this in 2011.

The prize-winning economist said the success of the VHA is because the government provides health care for free, and therefore is not burdened by making money, unlike private doctors and hospitals.

Yes, he actually said that.

Krugman said the VHA's "socialized medicine" simply works and "suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of U.S. health care more broadly." Unfortunately, despite the scandal, don't expect Krugman to retract his belief that socialized medicine is the model for US health care reform.

Expect him, and progressives like him, to make the claim that the scandal happened because we didn't throw enough money into the VHA to make it work. That's the history of socialism. According to socialists like Krugman, their ideas never fail because they're bad ideas. Their ideas fail, they claim, because they're never implemented as they envisioned. That's where I come in.

I tell it straight: socialism destroys people. It never works. And it destroys our dignity and freedom. I tell this fact to Americans who've been led to believe their escape from poverty is dependent on the government.

-Star Parker, 5/30/2014
Photo: To you and me, the Veteran's Health Administration scandal is typical for government-run services. But for progressives, a government-run hospital that denies care to the sick and allows patients to needlessly die, somehow comes as a surprise.
After all, the progressive, Nobel-winning economist who writes for the New York Times, Paul Krugman, wrote:

"What Mr. Romney and everyone else should know is that the V.H.A. is a huge policy success story, which offers important lessons for future health reform."

He wrote this in 2011.

The prize-winning economist said the success of the VHA is because the government provides health care for free, and therefore is not burdened by making money, unlike private doctors and hospitals.

Yes, he actually said that.

Krugman said the VHA's "socialized medicine" simply works and "suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of U.S. health care more broadly."  Unfortunately, despite the scandal, don't expect Krugman to retract his belief that socialized medicine is the model for US health care reform.

Expect him, and progressives like him, to make the claim that the scandal happened because we didn't throw enough money into the VHA to make it work. That's the history of socialism. According to socialists like Krugman, their ideas never fail because they're bad ideas. Their ideas fail, they claim, because they're never implemented as they envisioned. That's where I come in.

I tell it straight: socialism destroys people. It never works. And it destroys our dignity and freedom. I tell this fact to Americans who've been led to believe their escape from poverty is dependent on the government. 

-Star Parker, 5/30/2014

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