Saturday, March 8, 2014

How can I screw over America this week?

 Just a friendly reminder to all good Americans out there that Rasputin in a skirt has not yet left the building. Valerie Jarrett has been shooting her mouth off. (Too bad she says this stuff on MSNBC. Nobody hears it in real time.)
“We’re going to do what we can, within the president’s own executive power, and working throughout the country with those who want to move our country forward,” she added. “And it is a lot of potential And I think the optimism that the president has comes from the grit and determination of the American people, our businesses, many of who (sic) are bringing jobs back to America, so we have some momentum going, and we just need to call on everybody to work together, and that’s what the president will do this evening.”
What’s this imperial “we” crap? And no we are not hungry for an imperial president. We want an American one who follows AMERICAN law. Bypassing congress isn’t American.
In the last few weeks, since the State of the Union Address when this threat was officially made by Obama, there have been quite a number of proposals and rumblings from congresscritters eager to write executive orders for him – as if he’s going to sign them. There have even been blatantly illegal executive orders circumventing Obama’s own healthcare law that will, eventually, submarine a whole lot of Democrats at the polls. There’s been threats to wreck the heavy truck industry under the guise of “improving fuel efficiency.”

None of this is legal..................

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