Thursday, October 31, 2013

Barack Obama’s DHS Advisor Mohamed Elibiary: “America is an Islamic Country”

I told Elibiary he was engaging in taqiyya, and he knew it. I also pointed out that I have addressed the true founding of this country with the Mayflower Compact, which he had no explanation for. Facts are stubborn things.
Elibiary, like all Islamists, promote the teachings of a pedophile, and I pointed that out. Mohamed Elibiary, along with Barack Obama, all members of the Mulism Brotherhood and those who espouse Islam in our government, should be tried as traitors and when found guilty of treason, executed under the law.

Is my desire that they be executed? No. My desire is that they would come to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and that they would repent, but seeing that they are more concerned with advancing their caliphate and not the best interests of the United States, then I see no alternative for them. This man certainly does not belong in a position in which he advises on Homeland Security.
In fact, notice his tweet. He says that the law of the land is an "Islamically compliant constitution."

Really? Then pray tell Mohamed, who is the Lord mentioned in the "Year of our Lord" at the end of the Constitution? Is it Allah? Is it Mohammed? No, it's the risen Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Lord, but you refer to him as only a prophet, and a bastard child at that! Your prophet is dead and your god, Allah, is a perversion of the true and living God.
Additionally, if our constitution is Islamically compliant, then why is your boss' federal attorney threatening people with prosecution and imprisonment for pointing out the truth about Islam, something they clearly do not have authority to do under the First Amendment of the very constitution you are claiming as your own? Furthermore, why aren't you calling out people like Bill Killian who is intimidating Americans with regard to Freedom of Speech? It really isn't too Islamic compliant, is it?   In fact, Elibiary's claims strike me as such outright lying, that I am compelled to challenge him. Mr. Elibiary, I challenge you to debate, very open and public to demonstrate your claims that the United States is Islamic and her Constitution are Islamic compliant. I challenge you anywhere, anytime to put your money where your mouth is and let's see who really knows their history. Let's see who is speaking for their lying prophet and who is willing to engage in an honest view of America's history. (This challenge has been tweeted to Mr. Elibiary. We'll see if he will play the man and respond.)

Our founding fathers fought Mohammedans like you and your boss. Our veterans have fought communist sympathizers and Marxists in both World Wars and Vietnam, like those in the Obama administration. I challenge you Sir to an open debate. If you are not willing to deal with it openly and in a public forum where we can speak, then perhaps you might want to engage here on Freedom Outpost. Either way, I challenge you to man up! Stop hiding behind your Twitter account and provide the evidence to back up your claims. Until then, you are nothing more than a mouthpiece for a fascist "religion" that is founded on the teachings of a demon possessed pedophile.

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