Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Let's Get Real

Look people, Jim Crow was a serious thing. So was cross burning, lynching , and so is the very real topic of racism. I know that there are political battles to be won, and that seems more important than anything, however, ...as a Tea Party supporter, as a person who believes in the Lord, as a woman, and as a proud Black woman of many cultures, ------ I am also VERY educated..... so I take deep offense to these flame throwing fools and their quest to win. The Democrat Party, is the greatest "user" of the minds of people who view themselves to be powerless ---- namely the Black underclass.

The great marketers that these Democrats have ruthlessly shackled the legs of Black men who fall for this drivel with stories of victimhood. Black men, unable to find meaningful work, REALLY enslaved by unemployment and poverty, robbed of their birthright of maleness, of feeling that they are the MEN in their households. They have ruthlessly shackled the legs of Black women, who feel unattractive except for what exists between their legs or the hair they can buy for their heads, or the nails they glue on ,then paint...... all the while neglecting school and their children --- the ones they choose not to abort. This is the real Black underclass and ain't none of them were ever slaves. This is the average citizen of the districts of the elderly hysterical Black Caucus. These are reliable Obama voters. Betrayed.

How did they do this? By making them into perpetual victims. Victims of "DA Man". By telling them that speaking good English and going to school is "acting white". By celebrating "rap" in its nastiest, homophobic, misogynistic flatulence and then joking in "black-speak" to their friends.... By lowering standards at school, as though they (Blacks) --- just can't learn.....They target groups such as the Tea Party and liken bad images such as cross burnings , Jim Crow and lynchings, re-writing history along the way because they have no shame--- Soon it will be anyone who stand in their way.

Sure, the Republican Party is not perfect........ What in life is. They are older, whiter so forth than the general population but don't kid yourself....... I have heard the "n" word more in the so called "liberal" arena than I have around Republican. Better to tell me you hate me than tell me you love me while showing me that you hate me.

Because at the end of the day, whether you are Black, White, Hispanic or Asian, or other............ You all did not get the memo. This ain't about YOU, this is politics at its most vulgar. And what is the goal? Why winning of course ---- a ONE party government. Don't feel betrayed, however, Republicans when you find they are members of our own party as well.

But a one party government,..... then everyone can find out what a goose feels like when it is cooked. By the way, the images below are white men.
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